Building god's kingdom

Service Ministries

Christ the King has various ministries and opportunities to grow in your faith both in fellowship and service.


making disciples for christ

living out the gospel through service

Funeral Ministries

facilities & Grounds

Includes Garden and Lawn Crew



From coffee & donuts after Masses to helping with various events, and more!


Parish AMbassadors

Reaching out to new parishoners, helping at various events, and more!


veterans committe

More info coming soon!


Make A Difference Program

The Make a Difference program allows parishioners the opportunity to sew, knit, or crochet items that are donated to charitable causes. Sewn quilted blankets are given to children who are being treated in the emergency room at South County Hospital.  Various items are also donated to other agencies, including Welcome House, RICAN, McAuley House, Friends Way, and the South County Nursing Center.


Parishioners who are “Making a Difference” also make items for the parish Mother’s Day Shower sponsored by the Social Action Committee, and for the children of the Mustard Seed Orphanage in Nicaragua.


If you can sew, knit, or crochet, this ministry is for you! All supplies are provided. Instructions are available upon request at workshops that are held in the parish hall throughout the year. Work on items of your choice, at your home, at your leisure! For additional information, contact Barbara (368-4479) or Sharon (294-4271).

Assumption Parish Food Delivery

Each week, members of this ministry load up their car with food that has been donated by Christ the King parishioners and drive to the Church of the Assumption in Providence, where the food is delivered to the parish food pantry. The Assumption Parish food pantry serves our brothers and sisters who are in need in the Providence area.